5/5/2013 First Hour

Moses Gates with Carole Marks

He is an urban planner, licensed New York City tour guide, and visiting assistant professor of demography at the Pratt Institute. He will talk about his new book, Hidden Cities: Travels to the Secret Corners of the World’s Great Metropolises; A memoir of Urban Exploration. (Tarcher/Penguin) Go to www.MosesGates.com for more information.

Dr. Neal Barnard

He is one of America’s most well-respected nutrition authorities and is an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine. He will talk about his book, Power Foods For the Brain: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory. (Grand Central Life & Style/Hachette)

Richard Taite

He is the founder and CEO of Cliffside Malibu, an addiction treatment center, which is one of only 6% of the treatment facilities in the United States that are JCAHO accredited. This means that they adhere to the highest treatment standards in the industry. He is also the author of Ending Addiction For Good: The Groundbreaking, Holistic, Evidenced-Based Way to Transform Your Life. (Wheatmark) For more information, visit www.EndingAddictionForGood.com or www.CliffsideMalibu.com.

Steve Weisman

Steve will talk about standards for financial advisors for seniors.

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