ShowA Touch of Grey

Carole Marks
Episode 170

Here is a book on everything boomers need to know about aging, but never thought (or were afraid to) to ask.

Baby boomers are turning 65 at the rate of 12,000 a day. And they’re not their mothers’ generation. Although we can learn from previous generations’ books, our expectations and our circumstances have changed. This is the ultimate guide, filled with positive and practical wisdom from various sources for women for the second half of life.    Getting Older Better  by Pamela D. Blair, PhD. Sprague Theobold is a two-time Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker and founder of Hole...

Episode 169

Some 25 million American parents are classified as “empty nesters”. They’re free from the daily obligations of raising children after those children have left home for the next stage in their lives.

Wendy Aaronson is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Greenwich CT. She will talk about her new book, Refeathering the Empty Nest: Life After the Children Leave Dr. Robin Cook  is the New York Times #1 best-selling author of the medical thriller, Coma, and will talk about his latest thriller, Cell. (Putnam) Shari Belafonte   is an actress, model and photographer and the daughter of Harry Belafonte. She will talk about her career and share the secret to her weight loss. Go to www...

Talkers Magazine
Michael Harrison has served as the editor and publisher of TALKERS, the leading trade publication in the American talk media industry for the past 30 years.
IRIS KRASNOW Episode 168

Women in their late 80s to early 90s are the fastest-growing segment of the aging population, according to “Sex After … .” That means a college-aged woman who stays healthy will have a sex life that lasts seven decades.

“Sex After … Women Share How Intimacy Changes as Life Changes.” It’s filled with interviews of 150 women talking about sex after marriage. Sex after childbirth. Sex after cheating. Sex after divorce.  Sex after menopause, surgery, widowhood. Sex after years of wanting it and not getting it. Iris Krasnow is a New York Times bestselling author, journalist, professor, and professional speaker and will talk about her new book, SEX AFTER…:Women Share How Intimacy Changes as Life Changes. (Gotham...

Episode 167

Second Wind: Navigating the Passage to a Slower, Deeper, and More Connected Life

We’ve been told that old age offers us nothing that the adult does not already possess in abundance,” he writes, “but this is a lie.” As children, we’re allowed to explore our identities and try on different roles, realizing that we’re still a work in progress. As adults, we’re acculturated to winnow down those identities (“What do you want to be when you grow up?”), and adults who experience ambiguity around those identities are labeled as flighty, insecure and immature. Dr. Bill homas...

Families USA’s National Grassroots Meeting Health Action Episode 166

Families USA’s National Grassroots Meeting Health Action

Stacey Sanders is the federal policy director for Medicare Rights Center and Carole spoke to her at Families USA’s National Grassroots Meeting Health Action 2014. Go to for more information. Max Richtman  is the president and CEO of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare and Carole spoke to him at Families USA’s National Grassroots Meeting Health Action 2014. For more information, visit Virginia Morris  is an award-winning...

Episode 165

THE NEW SCIENCE OF OVERCOMING ARTHRITIS: Prevent or Reverse Your Pain, Discomfort, and Limitations C. Thomas Vangsness, Jr. with G. Ptacek

Dr. Thomas Vangness Jr.  is professor of orthopedic surgery and the chief of sports medicine at the University of California’s Keck School of Medicine. He will talk about his new book, The New Science of Overcoming Arthritis: Prevent or Reverse Your Pain, Discomfort, and Limitations. (Da Capo/Lifelong Books) Nicholas Freudenberg  is distinguished professor of public health at the City University of New York School of Public health and at Hunter College. He will talk about his book, Lethal But...

Episode 164

“Benson and Mann” were among the earliest acts on “The Tonight Show” after Johnny Carson became host in October of 1962, and Mr. Benson appeared dozens of times on the show into the 1970s.

Irv Benson  Having enjoyed a long and successful run on the east coast American Burlesque circuit, Benson travelled west to play Las Vegas for the first time in 1957, with the Minsky Follies show.[1] Benson gained national exposure during the 1960s, when fellow vaudevillian Milton Berle hired him to play a faux heckler named Sidney Spritzer.[2] The character would turn up in the balcony overlooking the stage of Berle’s variety show (where the studio audience could see him) and banter with...

Episode 163

Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans

Wendall Potter is an industry whistle blower and the author of Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans. (Bloomsbury Press) Carole spoke to him at Families USA’s National Grassroots Meeting Health Action 2014 to discuss health care. For more information, visit Wayne Turner  is a staff attorney at the National Health Law Program and Carole spoke to him about the importance of Medicaid expansion at...

Episode 162

Bewitched one of the “100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time

Alan Blinder is the Gordon S. Rentschler Memorial Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University and the author of After the Music Stopped: The Financial Crisis, The Response and the Work Ahead. (Penguin Press) Brian Kilmeade is the co-host of Fox News Channel’s morning show Fox & Friends and hosts the nationally syndicated radio show Kilmeade & Friends. He will talk about his new book, George Washington’s Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution...

Episode 161

The New Senior Woman: Reinventing the Years Beyond Mid-Life.

Barbara Fleischer is a recently retired professor and the author of The New Senior Woman: Reinventing the Years Beyond Mid-Life. (Rowman & Littlefield) For more information, visit Atty. Sheldon Krantz  has been a federal prosecutor, law professor, dean of the University of San Diego Law School and director of New Perimeter, DLA Piper’s global pro bono affiliate. He will talk about his new book, The Legal Profession: What is Wrong and How to Fix It. (LexisNexis) For more...

Episode 160

Marc Mincolla’s Whole Health Wins a 2014 Covr Award

Be the healthiest you’ve ever been, and possess more vitality and energy, with the Whole Health Healing System! Winner of the 2014 Nautilus Award represents “Better Books for a Better World”—the Gold Award (Best Book of the Year) in the category of Health&Healing/Wellness/Prevention/Vitality. In Whole Health, Dr. Mark Mincolla outlines the Whole Health Healing System, h Dennis Krebs  has spent 7 years as a tactical medic and a combined 40 years in the fire and rescue service. He will talk...

Episode 159

What Makes Olga Run? The Mystery of the 90-Something Track Star and What She Can Teach Us About Living Longer, Happier Lives.

Olga Kotelko is not your average ninety-four-year-old. She not only looks and acts like a much younger woman, she holds over twenty-three world records in track and field, seventeen in her current ninety to ninety-five category. Dwain Schenck  is a former TV reporter who also started and ran multiple businesses and worked as a Fortune 500 corporate communications executive. He will talk about his new book, RESET: How to Beat the Job Loss Blues and Get Ready for Your Next Act. (Da Capo/Lifelong...

Episode 158

REFUEL – Men don’t diet, men Refuel – Dr John La Puma

Throughout much of their lives, men have a weight advantage over women, whose bodies are naturally designed to hold more fat. Fair or not, men’s hormonal make-up, muscle mass, and unique metabolic profile make it easier for them to stay lean. But certain conditions can overturn that gift—He advocates for healthy eating and has already written two New York Times bestsellers on healthy aging and diet. Daniel Stashower with Carole Marks Part 1 He is a two-time Edgar award-winning  author and will...

Episode 157

“The Science of Happily Ever After: What Really Matters in the Quest for Enduring Love” Jasbina Ahluwalia interviews Ty Tashiro

Dr. Heather Tick has been an integrative medical practitioner for over 20 years and will talk about her new book, Holistic Pain Relief: Dr. Tick’s Breakthrough Strategies to Manage and Eliminate Pain (New World library) Junheng Li is the founder and principal of equity research firm JL Warren Capital, LLC, and will talk about her new memoir, Tiger Woman On Wall Street: Winning Business Strategies from Shanghai to New York and Back. (McGraw Hill) Ty Tashiro is a relationship expert for the...

Episode 156

A Little Touch of Cancer and How It Made Me Well: One Woman’s Travels Through Ovarian Cancer.

Edward Humes is the author of a new audio book, A Man and His Mountain: The Everyman Who Created Kendall-Jackson and Became America’s Greatest Wine Entrepreneur. It is the story of self-made billionaire Jess Jackson who put Chardonnay on America’s tables as he built the Kendall-Jackson wine empire from a few mountainous acres of grapes. (Brilliance Audio on MP3 and CD) Hines Ward  is an NBC broadcaster on Sunday Night Football in America, a former football player for the Pittsburgh Steelers...

Episode 155

Soul Proof: Compelling Evidence You Are An Infinite Spiritual Being.

How wonderful life would be if you REALLY KNEW–without a doubt–that no one really dies. Think of how your life would change for the better if you were convinced that life is a totally safe and magnificent adventure amidst eternity. Consider how reassuring it would be if irrefutable evidence proved we each are indestructible spiritual beings having a temporary earthly experience. “Soul Proof” by Dr. Mark Pitstick provides that proof. Dr. Mark Pitstick  has had over forty...

Episode 154

A Nobody In a Somebody World: My Hollywood Life in Beverly Hills.

Elizabeth Partridge   is the acclaimed author of more than a dozen books as well as biographies of Dorothea Lange.  She is also Dorothea Lange’s goddaughter. She will talk about her book, Dorothea Lange: Grab A Hunk of Lightning. (Chronicle Books) For more information, visit Lorraine Brodek is the author of A Nobody In a Somebody World: My Hollywood Life in Beverly Hills. (Tate Publishing) She tells a heartwarming story about Margaret Hamilton and The Wizard of Oz...

Episode 153

The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living.

Our Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) Program has helped thousands reduce stress and achieve greater resilience and happiness. Dr. Amit Sood is a specialist in stress and resiliency at the Mayo Clinic and will talk about his new book, The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living. (DaCapo Press) Dr. Michael Roizen   is currently the chief wellness officer and chair of the Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. He will give tips for longevity from the updates and expanded...

Carole Marks Episode 152

Twenty- Seven Dollars and a Dream: How Muhammad Yunus Changed the World and What it Cost Him.

Katharine Esty Ph.D. with Carole Marks She is a social psychologist and founder of IBIS Consulting, a recognized leader among diversity & organization development firms across the nation and internationally. She is also a former consultant to the United Nations Development Program and UNICEF. She will talk about her new book, Twenty- Seven Dollars and a Dream: How Muhammad Yunus Changed the World and What it Cost Him. (Katharine Esty Company) Yunus founded the microcredit movement that has...

Carole Marks Episode 151

, Mr. President: George Washington and the Making of the Nation’s Highest Office

Harlow Giles Unger  is a former Distinguished Visiting Fellow in American History at Mount Vernon and the author of more than twenty books, including The Last Founding Father, and John Quincy Adams. He will talk about his latest, Mr. President: George Washington and the Making of the Nation’s Highest Office. (DaCapo Press) Chloe Jon Paul  is a retired educator and writer of several published articles and a book titled, What Happens Next: A Family Guide to Nursing Home Visits….and More. She will...

A Touch of Grey